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Rabu, 02 Mei 2012


Ketrampilan kedua yang harus dikuasai oleh seorang independent traveler adalah memperoleh hotel yang murah, aman, bersih dan nyaman. Untuk itu tidak perlu khawatir karena di jaman serba online seperti sekarang ini kita pun bisa memilih dan memesan hotel yang kita inginkan lewat internet. Saat ini ada berbagai macam situs di internet yang menawarkan jasa pemesanan hotel antara lain : Agoda (, Asia Room (, Hostelbookers ( dan lain-lain.

Hotelnya sendiri terletak di belahan dunia manapun (kecuali Antartika mungkin ya) dan harga yang kita bayar umumnya jauh lebih murah daripada pemesanan langsung via website resmi hotel yang bersangkutan. Supaya berhasil dengan baik berikut ini ada beberapa trik dan tips pemesanan hotel via internet yang semoga dapat diterapkan terutama bagi teman-teman yang belum pernah sama sekali memesan hotel dengan cara ini.
Perbedaan Hotel dan Hostel
Seperti juga penerbangan, pada dasarnya penginapan dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu : Hotel dan Hostel. Ada beberapa perbedaan yang mencolok antara keduanya. Pertama, layout kamarnya. Di Hostel kamarnya berbentuk dorm (asrama) dengan tempat tidur bersusun walaupun sekarang beberapa hostel sudah menyediakan kamar private. Ada yang mix (campuran laki-laki dan perempuan) dan ada yang Female atau Male only.
Contoh Dormitory Room
Suasana Tidur di Hostel
Kedua, privasi yang didapat. Hostel memungkinkan para penginap untuk berinteraksi satu dengan yang lain (tidurnya aja campur). Umumnya mereka juga menyediakan ‘Social Area’ yang ditata mirip ruang tamu atau ruang keluarga dengan rak buku-buku dan TV layar lebar.
Social Area di Hostel
Ketiga, fasilitas yang didapat. Ada beberapa fasilitas di hotel yang tidak kita dapat di hostel begitu juga sebaliknya contohnya : perlengkapan mandi (di hostel harus bawa sendiri),  dapur dan laundry (hostel biasanya menyediakan fasilitas ini).
Contoh Dapur Di Hostel
Setelah mengetahui perbedaan diatas, kita dapat memilih mana yang sesuai dengan kantong dan selera kita. Saya pribadi lebih suka tinggal di hostel, karena fasilitas dapur dan laundrynya memungkinkan untuk masak dan mencuci tanpa keluar biaya mahal (maklum turis yang bener-bener kere).
Cara Memilih Situs Pemesanan Yang Baik
Selanjutnya bagaimana caranya memilih situs yang baik untuk bertransaksi?. Ada cara yang sangat mudah untuk mengujinya. Kita tinggal mengetikkan nama situsnya di kolom “search” pada dan akan keluar berbagai macam opini dari orang-orang yang pernah menggunakan jasanya. Dari situ kita bisa menilai apakah situs tersebut baik atau tidak.
Pada umumnya, Situs pemesanan yang baik harus memenuhi syarat berikut :
  • Dapat mengkonfirmasi ketersediaan kamar dengan cepat.Begitu harga dibayarkan, dalam hitungan detik situs tersebut sudah harus mengirim nota konfirmasi ke email kita. Nota konfirmasi tersebut akan menyertakan voucher hotel yang harus kita cetak untuk bukti pada saat check in.
  • Harga akhir yang dibayarkan sesuai dengan total yang tercantum tanpa ada biaya tambahan pada saat checkout. Banyak situs pemesanan hotel yang tidak mencantumkan “Hotel Tax and Service Fees” sehingga pada saat check out kita masih ditarik biaya diluar yang sudah kita bayarkan. Besarnya fee tersebut umumnya sampai 30% dari total biaya permalam tergantung pada letak hotelnya.
  • Dapat menjamin keamanan bertransaksi dengan menggunakan kartu kredit. Pastikan situs tersebut memiliki encrypted technology yang baik sehingga dapat menjamin keamanan proses pembayaran dengan menggunakan kartu kredit. Beberapa situs seperti Agoda bahkan mengharuskan pengisian form tambahan bila nama yang tercantum pada kartu kredit yang digunakan dalam pembayaran berbeda dengan nama pemesan.
  • Memiliki respon yang cepat dan baik bila terdapat masalah.Customer Supportnya harus dapat dihubungi 24/7 dan segera memberikan solusi bila terdapat kendala pemesanan.
Cara Memilih Hotel
Setelah mengetahui situs pemesanan yang baik, tibalah saatnya untuk mulai berbelanja. Pemilihan suatu hotel memang bersifat personal artinya tergantung pada pribadi masing-masing. Saya sendiri lebih senang hotel yang dekat dengan MRT, terminal atau stasiun karena tidak perlu keluar biaya ekstra untuk naik taksi. Tapi bagaimana sih cara mengetahui kualitas suatu hotel?. Berikut beberapa cara yang mungkin bisa digunakan:
  • Cara yang paling mudah adalah dengan memperhatikan ratingnya (very good sampai pleasant). Pada umumnya rating sudah tercantum dalam situs pemesanan. Perhatikan juga besaran reviewnya karena jumlah tersebut sangat menentukan keakuratan. Seperti contoh di bawah ini : hotel Horizon jelas ratingnya lebih baik daripada Baan Lamai tapi lihatlah jumlah reviewnya 404 banding 93 jadi dalam hal ini Baan Lamai lebih baik dari Horizon. Tapi hal tersebut bukan kunci mati lho ! banyak juga pertimbangan-pertimbangan lain misal kedekatannya dengan sarana transportasi dan lain-lain.
Cara Mendapatkan Hotel Murah
Murah disini bukan berarti murahan lho!. Yang menjadi idaman tentu saja harga miring tapi kualitas tetap baik. Cara yang sering saya gunakan untuk mendapatkan harga murah antara lain:
  • Menjadi member berbagai situs pemesanan hotel yang baik. Dengan menjadi member kita akan menerima email yang umumnya berisi informasi promosi dan diskon terbaru.
  • Sering browsing harga melalui situs-situs tersebut. Harga suatu hotel dapat berubah dari hari ke hari bahkan jam ke jam. Jadi jangan bosan-bosan browsing dan mencari harga.
Sharing sedikit tentang pengalaman saya mencari hotel murah. Kira-kira 3 minggu sebelum berangkat saya terbangun tengah malam. Iseng-iseng karena tidak bisa tidur saya mulai browsing di situs Agoda. Eh, kok ya ada hotel di phuket yang menawarkan harga Rp. 30.000 permalam (besok paginya saya cek, harga sudah berubah). Tanpa pikir panjang langsung saja saya sambar tanpa mengecek apakah hotelnya bagus atau tidak. Saya pikir kalaupun itu bohong toh saya hanya kehilangan uang sebesar Rp. 62.000 (plus tax) dan sedikit repot karena harus mencari hotel lagi. Pada saat check in sempat deg-degan juga jangan-jangan mereka hanya bergurau dan akan mencharge biaya tambahan atau paling apes kita diberi kamar pelayan atau kamar berhantu. Ternyata diluar dugaan kita diberi kamar sesuai gambar dengan fasilitas lengkap dan letaknya juga tidak di nyempil-nyempil amat. Alhamdulillah. Sejak itu jadi ngefans banget sama Agoda walaupun terkadang tergoda juga dengan Asia Rooms yang lebih unggul dengan mencantumkan harga total daripada harga perkamar permalam seperti Agoda.
Kamar Rp. 30.000
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan selamat berburu hotel murah. Kuncinya adalah KESABARAN dan KETELATENAN. Jangan lupa, setelah menginap berikan review dan sedikit tulisan tentang hotel yang kita tinggali karena informasi tersebut akan sangat bermanfaat bagi traveler yang lain….

Mau ga kalian nginep di hotel kayak begini?

pasti mau kan? Ini adalah hotel hotel termahal di dunia
nama nama nya diantaranya
1.Ty Warner Penthouse,Four Sessons New York US$ 34.000 /malam
2.Royal Penthouse Suite,President Wilson Hotel Geneva
US$ 33.000 /malam
3.Presidential Suite,Hotel Cala Volpe,Itali US$ 21.000 /malam
4.Royal Suite,Burj Al-Arab Dubai US$ 18.000 /malam
5.Royal Armleder Suite,Le Richemond Geneva US$ 17.500 /malam
6.Ritz-Carlton Suite,Ritz-Carlton Hotel Moscow,Russia
US$ 16.500 /malam
7.Royal Suite,Four Seasons George V Paris US$ 16.000 /malam
8. The Atlantis US$ 25.000 /malam
9.President Wilson Hotel- Geneva US$23.600

Selasa, 24 April 2012


Ini dia daftar hotel romantis di dunia berdasarkan Travellers’ Choice 2012:

Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora ,Bora Bora, French Polynesia
1.    Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora ,Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Salah satu komentar: “Yang terbaik di Bora Bora dan French Polynesia. Sangat sepi, perjalanan dari bandara ke resort sangat indah dengan kapal yang bagus, bungalow di atas air di laguna terbaik, luar biasa!”

Capella Ixtapa, Ixtapa, Mexico
2.    Capella Ixtapa, Ixtapa, Mexico
Salah satu komentar: “Setiap kamar punya kolam renang sendiri dan layanan ini luar biasa, kolam itu bahkan akan menyesuaikan suhu kolam sendiri sesuai keinginan Anda.”

Hilton Moorea Lagoon Resort & Spa, Papetoai, French Polynesia
3.    Hilton Moorea Lagoon Resort & Spa, Papetoai, French Polynesia
Salah satu komentar: “Kami tinggal selama 4 malam di bulan Maret dan membagi waktu antara sebuah bungalow taman yang mewah dan bungalow di atas air.”

The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort, Bora Bora, French Polynesia
4.    The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort, Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Salah satu komentar: “ Kami menikmati bulan madu di sana dan sejauh ini, tidak akan hal buruk yang dapat kami katakana tentang tempat tersebut.”

Tokoriki Island Resort, Tokoriki Island, Fiji
5.    Tokoriki Island Resort, Tokoriki Island, Fiji
Salah satu komentar: “5 malam menakjubkan!”

Jade Mountain Resort, Soufriere, St. Lucia
6.    Jade Mountain Resort, Soufriere, St. Lucia
Salah satu komentar: “Tidak ada kata-kata yang bisa menggambarkan bagaimana Jade Mountain benar-benar fantastis, sungguh AMAZING!”

Andronis Luxury Suites, Oia, Greece
7.    Andronis Luxury Suites, Oia, Greece
Salah satu komentar: “Pelayanannya sangat baik!”

Koa Kea Hotel & Resort, Poipu, Hawaii
8.    Koa Kea Hotel & Resort, Poipu, Hawaii
Salah satu komentar: “Lokasi besar,  dan staf super ramah.”

Mariaggi’s Theme Suites Hotel, Winnipeg, Canada
9.    Mariaggi’s Theme Suites Hotel, Winnipeg, Canada
Salah satu komentar: “ Wonderful!”

Royal Davui Island Resort, Royal Davui Island, Fiji
10.    Royal Davui Island Resort, Royal Davui Island, Fiji
Salah satu komentar: “6 malam kami menginap di sana dan benar-benar  penuh mimpi!”

Selasa, 19 April 2011


HotelEnglish, founded in 1992, specializes in teaching business English for the hotel industry and skills development from beginner to advanced levels. Our goal is to teach the most widely used and, therefore, the most useful language elements. This practical approach enables our trainees to reach their desired level of communication within the shortest possible period of time.

These are tailor-made courses, designed specifically for the needs of a closed group.

They combine General English with the specialised vocabulary areas, functions and skills related to the use of English in a given profession, this case for the Hotel industry.

Book a stay at this 500 year old English castle hotel and walk rooms and grounds once explored by King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Thornbury Castle is the only Tudor castle open as a hotel, its beautiful oriel windows, Tudor hall and historic parkland are all yours for the duration of your stay.
Located only 15 minutes from the M5, Thornbury is each to reach from all major cities, including London, yet once behind the heavy oak doors, you will find a luxury hotel that resonates history, complete with roaring fires, delicious cuisine and magnificent bedchambers.

27 individual bedchambers are available, many with four poster beds and a host of unique features.

Thornbury Castle...

There are 27 bedchambers and all are fabulously atmospheric, most with four-poster or coronet beds, stone walls, tapestries, roaring fires, ornate carved ceilings and views to historic parkland and the River Severn beyond.

Thornbury Castle...


The most divine wedding venue, the most entertaining wedding reception, the most deliciously romantic honeymoon. Can you imagine a better location than Thornbury Castle or a better honeymoon experience than the bedchamber in which King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn once slept?
The unique character of this remarkable hotel makes it the ideal setting for a wide variety of spectacular social occasions, especially weddings.
Step behind the heavy oak doors and you'll find a magnificent hotel with roaring fires, delicious modern cuisine and sumptuous bedchambers - a truly special setting for a magical wedding.
In summer, wedding parties like to wander out into the centuries old garden, in winter, they enjoy mulled wine in front of a huge fireplace. Enjoy it for the day or the night. Either way, you'll want to return!

Wedding Menus

Thornbury Castle has always been renowned for its fine food and is the recipient of many prestigious awards.
The Head Chef uses only the freshest seasonal produce available and has created some very special Banqueting Menus.
In order that consistent quality of cooking can be ensured, wedding parties of 8-14 persons are required to choose a selected menu and parties of 15 or more a set menu.

Wedding Brochure Request

For full details of packages, prices and facilities, please enter your email address below and we will instantly and automatically send you a link to Thornbury Castle's latest brochure.
If you would like to check specific dates or arrange an appointment to visit Thornbury Castle and meet with a wedding coordinator, please fill in our wedding enquiry form.

Civil Ceremonies and Civil Partnerships

There are four wedding ceremony rooms at Thornbury Castle.

The Drawing Room

The splendid Drawing Room provides a relaxed and informal venue lit by candles in a magnificent candelabra. Plush Knole sofas add to the informal atmosphere. The ceremony is especially lovely when in the bay window or the oriel window overlooking the gardens where up to 50 guests may be accommodated.

The Tudor Hall

The awe inspiring Tudor Hall is more formal or traditional. A large room that looks especially romantic by the glow of candle light, it has stone walls with impressive displays of weaponry and tapestries. The large bay window is perfect for marriage ceremonies with guests seated in traditional aisles. Smaller numbers are ideally seated in an arc in front of the fireplace where the ceremony can also take place. The Tudor Hall is especially appropriate for winter weddings and can accommodate up to 50 guests.

The Library

The Library is quite simply a lovely room, a smaller version of the drawing room. It is particularly suited to intimate wedding ceremonies for close family, taking place in the large oriel window, and can accommodate up to 15 guests.

The Summer House

The Summer House is a tiny but delightful venue set in the oldest Tudor garden in England. The ceremony takes place inside but the guests remain in the open air.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Hotel Industri

Do you work in the hotel industry?

Do you teach English to people in the hotel industry?

If so, then this site may be just for you.

This site provides basic English training for employees of the hotel industry who wish to improve their English skills. The lessons are function based and contain common expressions for the various functions that are likely to be encountered by hotel employees. Sample dialogues are also included that students may use as models.
For English teachers, there are also activities, games, discussion topics, work sheets, and role play situations can can be used within the class room to provide additional practice for students in using the language. Clicking on an item from the menu on the right will take you to that module or function. The activities, games, and discussion topics can be accessed by clicking on the Module Activities button.
The sole hope of this site is to improve the English language skills of persons desiring to provide improved services to hotel guests, to enhance the persons employability, and just maybe increase their income stream by increasing the size of their tips. 

Useful English Phrases for Hotels

1) Checking In

  • Welcome to Do Re Mi! How may I help you?

  • We have a reservation for a double room for one week.

  • Can I have your name, please?

  • My name is Josephson. That's J-O-S-E-P-H-S-O-N.

  • Could you sign your name here, Mr. Josephson? This is your keycard. You will be in Room 1313.

    2) Your Room

  • Hey, this room is really nice! And big, too.

  • Come over to the window and look at the view.

  • Wow! Look at the waves. I can't wait to go for a walk along the beach.

  • Let's go out and enjoy the sun and sea now. We can unpack our suitcases later.

  • That's a great idea. Grab a towel and some sunscreen and let's go!

    3) Tipping

  • Let's see, we tipped the taxi driver 15% on the way to the hotel...

  • He was very helpful, so it was worth it.

  • And we tipped 12% at the restaurant...

  • The service was good, but not great.

  • Now how much should we tip the maid for cleaning our room?

  • I think a dollar a day is good enough.

  • Only a dollar? I think two would be better.

    4) Exchanging Money

  • Hi, could you change this travellers check for me?

  • Sure. Do you have your passport?

  • Yes, here it is.

  • That's fine, Mr. Josephson. Now just sign the check here and I can give you cash.

  • What is the exchange rate today?

  • You're in luck. The dollar is weaker, so you only have to pay 10,500 plunkets for each dollar.

  • That is good! Last week we had to pay 13,000 plunkets.

    5) Checking Out

  • Will you be checking out now?

  • Unfortunately, yes. We've had a great stay, but now it's time to go home and get back to work.

  • Well, we hope you'll have the chance to come back and stay with us again in the future.

  • We hope so too!

  • Eden Hotel Wolff - Munich 48.14159, 11.55941 4.5 stars


    Hotel location
    Dating back to 1890 this traditional hotel is situated across from Munich's main train station with connection to all means of public transportation and the shuttle bus to and from the airport. The most important sites of Munich's old town may be easily reached by walking within 15 minutes.
    Hotel amenities
    The hotel offers its guests a wellness area with sauna, steam bath, fitness facilities and roof terrace for free use. Massages are available on request.
    The hotel restaurant Zirbelstube offers Bavarian and seasonal specialities as well as international dishes. In ... the Kaminbar with its open fireplace guests may enjoy a variety of drinks and cocktails.
    Eight conference rooms from 5 to 250 persons, 24 h reception
    Car parking is possible in the hotel garage and in a nearby parking garage.Room amenities
    All rooms have private bathrooms with bath tub, hair dryer, lighted vanity mirrors and complimentary toiletries. Bathrobes and bathing shoes are available on request. All rooms are equipped with flat-screen TVs offering SAT-TV and Pay movies,
    in-room safe, direct-dial phone, Wireless Internet access (surcharge) and mini bar. On request iron/ironing boards as well as cots are provided on request.

    This property has provided all content and is solely responsible for its accuracy.
    Read more

    Guest review summary

    • 8.8 Average rating: All Trip Types
    • 93% Recommended
    • 89 Reviews
    • 8.6  Hotel Service
    • 8.6  Room Comfort
    • 8.8  Hotel Condition
    • 9.2  Room Cleanliness

    Average rating by Guest Trip Type

    Select a trip type to see only those reviews
    Trip type Number of reviews Average rating
    All Trip Types (89) 8.8
    Business (20) 8.6
    Romance (12) 9.0
    Family (10) 9.0
    With Friends (9) 8.0
    All Others (38) 8.8

    Why book with us?

    • doesn't charge cancellation fees
    • Price Match Guarantee
    • We're just a phone call away: 007-803-011-0155 (Indonesia Toll Free) +1-817-524-0058 (From overseas)

    Guest Rooms

    Group Rate

    Check availability
    007-803-011-0155(Indonesia Toll Free)

    Standard Room Double

    Check availability
    007-803-011-0155(Indonesia Toll Free)

    Standard Room Single

    Check availability
    007-803-011-0155(Indonesia Toll Free)

    Superior Double- Twin Room

    Check availability
    007-803-011-0155(Indonesia Toll Free)

    Superior Single Room

    Check availability
    007-803-011-0155(Indonesia Toll Free)

    Know before you go

    American Express
    Check-in time starts at:
    2 PM
    Check-out time is:
    Diners Club
    Dogs and cats only
    JCB International
    Maximum number of pets per room:
    Minimum check-in age is:
    Pets accepted
    Pets considered
    Check-in policy:
    Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on hotel policy. Guests must show current government-issued proof of identity at the time of check-in. Photo identification and credit card or cash deposit are required at check-in for incidental charges. Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges. Special requests cannot be guaranteed. The credit cards listed here are accepted by this hotel for additional charges incurred during a guest's stay.
    • The name on the credit card used at check-in to pay for incidentals must be the primary name on the guestroom reservation.
    • Guests can arrange to bring pets by contacting the property directly, using the contact information on the booking confirmation.
    • There are no room charges for children 18 years old and younger who occupy the same room as their parents or guardians, using existing bedding.
    • All guests staying in hotel guestrooms must be registered with the hotel.


    • General
    • Ballroom(s)
    • Bar/lounge
    • Elevator/lift
    • Fax machine
    • Full board rates available
    • Half board rates available
    • Number of buildings/towers 1
    • Restaurant(s) in hotel
    • Suitable for children
    • Umbrella
    • See more facilities
      • Air-conditioned public areas
      • Meeting facilities size in meters 553
      • Number of floors: 7
      • Number of meeting and conference rooms 8
      • Number of rooms: 205
      • Parking limited (surcharge)
      • Parking nearby (surcharge)
      • Pick up service from train station
      • Self parking (surcharge)
      • Tours/ticket assistance
      • Valet parking (surcharge)
      • Wireless (high-speed) Internet access - surcharge
      • Year Built 1890
    • Rooms (all rooms include)
    • Blackout drapes/curtains
    • Cribs (infant beds) available
    • Desk
    • Electronic/magnetic keys
    • In-room childcare (surcharge)
    • In-room safe
    • Iron/ironing board (on request)
    • Rollaway beds
    • Sofa bed
    • Window opens
    • See more room details
      • Access via exterior corridors
      • Air conditioning
      • Bathrobes
      • City view
      • Climate control
      • Complimentary newspaper
      • Complimentary toiletries
      • Courtyard view
      • Deep soaking bathtub
      • Direct-dial phone
      • Extra towels/bedding
      • Flat-panel television
      • Hair dryer
      • Handheld shower
      • Housekeeping
      • Hypo-allergenic bedding available
      • Individually decorated
      • Individually furnished
      • In-room massage available
      • Makeup/shaving mirror
      • Minibar
      • Pay movies
      • Premium bedding
      • Private bathroom
      • Satellite television service
      • Sewing kit
      • Shower/tub combination
      • Sleep Number by Select Comfort mattress
      • Voice mail
      • Wake-up calls
      • Wired high-speed Internet access (surcharge)
      • Wireless high-speed Internet access (surcharge)
    • Services
    • Parking garage
    • Parking nearby
    • Porter/bellhop
    • Room service (limited hours)
    • Safe-deposit box - front desk
    • Sauna
    • Self parking
    • Shoe shine
    • Steam room
    • Valet parking
    • View more services
      • Babysitting or child care
      • Breakfast available (surcharge) buffet
      • Complimentary newspapers in lobby
      • Concierge services
      • Currency exchange
      • Express check- in
      • Express check-out
      • Fitness facilities
      • Internet access in public areas - complimentary
      • Laundry facilities
      • Limo or Town Car service available
      • Multilingual staff
      • Parking (secure)
      • Parking (surcharge)
    • Business & Event
    • Audio-visual equipment
    • Banquet facilities
    • Dry cleaning/laundry service
    • Event catering
    • Exhibit space
    • Multiple conference/meeting rooms
    • Multiple small meeting rooms
    • On-site car rental
    • Photocopy machines
    • Translation services
    • View more business & events
      • 24-hour front desk


    Breakfast buffet - Served daily (surcharge).

    Restaurant Zirbelstube: Serving Bavarian and international cuisine as well as seasonal specialities, accompanied by an extensive wine list and local beers. A relaxed atmosphere is created by the light wood furnishings and typical Bavarian styling.

    Kaminbar: Guests can relax with a drink or a light meal in front of an open fireplace in the cosy atmosphere of the bar.
    Roomservice is available from 06.30 a.m. till 11.00 p.m.